Welcome to the LIVE process - The Tao Te Jing - A Contemplative (monthly) Study Group!

Hello and Welcome!

I am so excited to study with you :)

In this hub, you will find some resources regarding the flow and movement of this group as well as some recommended translations of the Tao Te Jing.

Each month, you may return to this landing zone for added resources, review of our latest meeting, or "homework assignments" for the coming month.

This is our Hub, utilize it (or not, after registration) in the ways that serve you best.

Also, this class is live and will not be recorded each month, so attendance is best, if you can make it! You will need to attend the live zoom meetings, at their scheduled times, to fully participate. However, if you have to miss a meeting from time to time, please just let us know, so we can still include you in our shared space together.

Here is the zoom link, which will remain the same throughout 2024/2025:

Join the Zoom Meeting here:


Meeting ID: 857 9655 6608

Passcode: 979431

Kelly Chambers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting -

Topic: The Tao Te Jing - A Contemplative (monthly) Study Group

Time: Thursday Evening, Nov 14th, 2024, 07:00 PM Eastern / 06:00 PM Central / 05:00 PM Mountain / 04:00 PM Pacific (US and Canada) Time

    And monthly, Every Second Thursday, until Dec 11, 2025 (14 occurrences)

Calendar Invite:

You may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system, if you wish.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZEqfu-tqz0sGtx9dvMUQETt4SUuIlAKsbsI/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGtqTIsH9GTthmPRpwMB4r4M-_wmCFdjbdFxRvzLhViRzfiYtF3J5tzMfPD&meetingMasterEventId=lBkErpqHQAiT3PIiiM_uIw


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 857 9655 6608

Passcode: 979431


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  • zoom platform - join our meeting information -

Meeting ID: 857 9655 6608

Passcode: 979431

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbBBCnOIw2

see you soon,

I can't wait to study with you!

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