4 CEs/hours of instruction

Course Objective:

Are you intrigued about the science behind touch?

As bodyworkers, touch is the most integral part of our practice. We become “touch technicians” as it were; since we learn to become very skilled at detecting nuances of tissue imbalance and disturbance through our hands and often intuition as well. Now that's ask ourselves, what is physically going on at a deeper level when we touch?

This class is designed to provide a living systems perspective through the lens of physics, and physiology. An important concept to keep in mind is that a majority of the research studies done on biological organisms, particularly in the field of medicine, have been done on non-living subjects, using the practice of reductionism.

Reductionism involves taking an organism apart down to its smallest components and studying them individually, instead of seeing them as parts of a whole. But, is this realistic? It has been said that the science is never “settled” on anything; which is an important concept to keep in mind. It is hoped that the findings and information to be shared will pique your own interest into this fascinating world.

Concepts for Exploration:

  1. What is Touch? Why Is It Important?
  2. Foundation of Mind/Body Communication, Styles, Overview of Touch Therapies
  3. The Overall Mechanics Regarding Touch: An Overview
  4. Contributions to Touch from the Heart
  5. Some Basic Physics
  6. Ampere’s and Faraday’s Laws of Physics and their Relationship to Touch
  7. Components, Structure and Function of the Biofield-
  8. Ground Substance or Regulation – Form and Function 


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Physics of Touch Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Physics of Touch part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Physics of Touch part 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Physics of Touch part 4
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Your instructor

Gail's journey through the multifaceted realms of healthcare began in the heart of California, where she embraced the pioneering role of a Nurse Practitioner, guided by the profound understanding that listening is a healer's most powerful tool. This ethos has underpinned her 40-year career, integrating mind, body, and spirit in preventative care. Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of Bend, Oregon since 1999, Gail's expertise has flourished within a diverse array of medical environments, culminating in a harmonious blend of traditional nursing and Advanced Holistic Nursing—her practice a testament to her board certification and unwavering commitment to holistic well-being.

The transformative experience of encountering Donna Eden's Eden Energy Medicine propelled Gail toward a vital intersection of ancient wisdom and contemporary science. With rigorous training in both Eden Energy Medicine and massage therapy, augmented by a Doctorate of Theology in Pastoral Integrative Healthcare, she embodies the role of educator and practitioner. In her classes, Gail's passion for truth and empowerment radiates, as she seamlessly weaves evidence-based research with the deep-seated philosophy of energetic healing. Her insights not only enrich her students' understanding but also inspire a palpable connection to the tangible science behind the subtle physics of touch.